What is Nanomechatronics Engineering?
We focus on conducting research and developing specialized curricula focused on the convergence of mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering to breed superior students with creative engineering minds and exceptional skills related to nanomechatronics-based devices, processes, and systems.
What do students learn in the Department of Nanomechatronics Engineering?
The courses are classified into 2 major categories, and focused on specialized education in nanomechatronics as follows:
In the freshman and sophomore years, various fundamental science- & engineering-based subjects, including engineering mathematics, materials science, electrical engineering, and nanomechanics, will be taught so that students can gain fundamental knowledge in converging fields of science and technology.
In the junior and senior years, students will learn various engineering subjects, including micromachining processes, nanofabrication engineering, electrical control engineering, semiconductor materials engineering, and surface engineering, focused on the design, manufacture, and applications of micro-/nano-scale mechanical-electrical systems.
In the freshman and sophomore years, various fundamental science- & engineering-based subjects, including engineering mathematics, materials science, electrical engineering, and nanomechanics, will be taught so that students can gain fundamental knowledge in converging fields of science and technology.
In the junior and senior years, students will learn various engineering subjects, including micromachining processes, nanofabrication engineering, electrical control engineering, semiconductor materials engineering, and surface engineering, focused on the design, manufacture, and applications of micro-/nano-scale mechanical-electrical systems.
What can a student do after graduation?
We will offer a multidisciplinary education to produce highly qualified individuals with creative engineering minds, and develop this nanomechatronics department into a major educational and research institution for nanomechatronics in the southeastern province of Korea. This nanomechatronics department will contribute to technological advancements by creating new technical fields related to mechanicalelectrical systems and establishing systematic methodologies through multidisciplinary research collaborations.
We will produce an integrated network system to develop human resources in the southeastern province of Korea by supplying highly qualified students to mechatronics-based industries and encouraging students to pursue graduate studies in the great challenging fields which are the future micro- /nano-scale electrical-mechanical systems.
After graduating with a degree in nanomechatronics engineering, students can work at the core technology-based industries, research institutes, and universities in the fields of precision machining, semiconducting materials & display, energy & environmental engineering, as well as in traditional mechanical and electrical engineering-based heavy industry.
We will produce an integrated network system to develop human resources in the southeastern province of Korea by supplying highly qualified students to mechatronics-based industries and encouraging students to pursue graduate studies in the great challenging fields which are the future micro- /nano-scale electrical-mechanical systems.
After graduating with a degree in nanomechatronics engineering, students can work at the core technology-based industries, research institutes, and universities in the fields of precision machining, semiconducting materials & display, energy & environmental engineering, as well as in traditional mechanical and electrical engineering-based heavy industry.